Alpha Forensic Psychological Services LLC
Therapy and Evaluations for Youth, Families and Adults
Harl Hargett, PhD, LPC, LAC
Dr Harl Hargett
Dr Harl Hargett's Credentials
Education, Certification, Licensing, Affiliation, Ordination Record
Associate of Arts (Theology) from Derby Bible Institute
Bachelor of Science (Human Services) from Metro State College
Master of Science (Clinical Counseling) from E.T.S./Liberty University
Ph.D. (Clinical Counseling) from Cornerstone University
Substance Abuse Professional, with the Department of Transportation, 2005
Requires: State Certification as an Addictions counselor and yearly C.E.U.S.
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, CompassPoint, # CSAT 2002Cl-221
Requires: Intensive training, completion of yearly conference and C.E.U.S
M.A.C. (Master Addictions Counselor), NAADC #500197
Requires: Yearly Registration and Completion of all CACIII Requirements
Diplomat of the American College of Professional Mental Health Practitioners
(Forensic Clinical Psychology) #P10383*(See Note)
Lifetime Diplomat of the American Board of Psychological Specialties
(Clinical Psychology) #17432*(See Note)
Nationally Certified Temperament Counselor
(NCCA) #05187577*(See Note)
Marriage & Family Therapy Certificate from Menninger Institute
Required 2 years of Internship and Master's Degree
*NOTE: These certifications require yearly registration and former submitted life experience.
Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (N.C.C.A. #A2A13A)
Requires: Master Degree, ordination and 2 years post-master’s supervision
Licensed Professional Counselor (Colorado #l566)
Requires: Master Degree in profession and 2 years of post-master’s supervision
Licensed Addictions Counselor (Colorado #57)
Requires: Clinical Master Degree and fulfillment of CACIII requirements
Ordained Minister (IRS Recognized)–Derby Community Church
Required: Associates Degree (Theology), 2 years post degree in church ministry)